

Saturday, July 7, 2012

We want your feedback!

We, the board of directors, would like to hear from our members. What do you think we should do to improve our meetings? What do you love about our meetings and feel we should not change? We encourage you to post comments with your thoughts, concerns, or compliments. We were voted chapter of the year 2010, it would be great to win the title again for 2012!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

June Meeting with Special Guest Sara-ann Kasner!

June's meeting was one to remember. We want to thank our gracious hosts, Papillon Grand Canyon Helicopters!

Last meeting we announced a social media contest. The first 10 members to register early for June's meeting would win an exclusive prize. The prize was a strip tour on one of Papillon's Helicopters. There were only 8 members who registered early so they won an exciting ride over the Las Vegas Strip at twilight. The winners were: Rebecca Mayhew of EBG, Todd Crandall of EBG, Chantel Toia of Blue Man Group, Tabo Miller of Mobile Power Solutions, Karim Hussain of Exotics Racing, T.C. Carrigan of Blue Man Group, Beth Carden of Pink Jeep and Kevin Williamson of EBG.

At this meeting we had a special guest drop in, NCA CEO and Founder, Sara-Ann Kasner.

Jason Baker and Sara-ann Kasner

This evening also was host to the NCA Nevada Chapter awards. The winners were: Best Endorsed Partner- Brian Dickson of Walters Golf, Best Chapter Associate - Cindy Hoover of Walkin the Dog, Best New Chapter Affiliate - Rodney Arnette of B.B. King's Blues Club and Best Chapter Volunteer - Jaci Zweig of Hughes Center.

Unique engraved wine bottles served as the trophies
Our affiliate spotlight for this month was OnBoard Tours. Mary and Paul discussed their new Pawn Stars Tour and invited the members to take the tour. Pictures from the tour can be found here.

Paul and Mary of OnBoard Tours

Friday, May 18, 2012

'Tis always the season to be giving

Thanks to our new philanthropy chair, Sarah Bichsel, we are starting to dive into charity work. Right now we are collecting items to benefit three local charities : Shade Tree, Safe Nest, & Street Teens. Each member who brings an item will be awarded free raffle tickets for the June meeting. Below you will find the list. Please send an email to and let us know what you intend to bring to our meeting June 12th being hosted by Papillon Grand Helicopters. 
Safe Nest
School Supplies
toys & Books
tooth Paste
Shade Tree
womens underwear
Women’s pajamas (all sizes)
Girl’s pants and shirts (24 months, 2T, 4T)
Gift Cards: Home Depot, Kmart, Target, or  Wal-mart
Street Teens
Weather appropriate clothing for teenagers 
Men's boxers and briefs sizes Med to XL
A line t-shirts and undershirts
AA Batteries 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May Meeting: A Success

We had a wonderful time at Lucio Ristorante for our May membership meeting. We enjoyed wine and appetizers while mingling with the crowd. 

Tina and Patrick from Paris and Ballys
Our gracious host, Lucio, spoke about his experience in the restaurant industry in Las Vegas and offered our members 50% off their next visit if they show their business card. 

We pinned two new members: Zurii Mershant of The Martin Luxury Condos and Chris Waters of EBG.

Zurii Mershant

Chris Waters, Rebecca Mayhew and Oscar Camacho
We welcomed our new affiliate liaison Ann Parsons of Vegas Weddings. She share her excitement of being on the board and assured that she indeed will be an advocate for our affiliate members.

Rebecca passes the torch to Ann Parsons
Our affiliate spotlight was Exotics Racing. Joshua Martin and Karim Hussain painted a great picture of how it feels to experience Exotics Racing.

Sarah Bichsel, our director of philanthropy, discussed the charities we will be working with closely this year and asked that members bring toiletries and other important items to our next meeting to collect for habitat for humanity.

Sarah Bichsel poses with our piggy bank
We also listened to our director of education, Michael Tuesca, as he explained plans to have a nightclub panel to answer all of our questions when it comes to nightlife options in Vegas.

Michael Tuesca educates the crowd

Our director of administration, Phillip Samaniego, announced a contest to win an exclusive prize at our next meeting. The first 10 members to complete early registration will win. The way to find out when early registration is open is by following us on Facebook and Twitter.

We learned that one of our affiliate members, Alyssa Karel of Margaritaville, will be leaving us this month. She will be missed, but we wish her the best on her new adventure.

We had a great turnout and with several guests who we hope to welcome as members at our next meeting in June being graciously hosted by Papillon Grand Helicopters on June 12th. Please don't miss this meeting. We will be visited by NCA CEO and Founder Sara-ann Kasner.

We hope to see you in attendance.

Friday, April 27, 2012

May Meeting Registration is Open!

Hello NCA Nevada members, you can now register for our May meeting at Lucio Ristorante before the rush. Official invites have not gone out yet, but all you have to do is click the link below. Thank you.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Strip Concierge: "You're probably the wrong person to ask, but...."...

 A funny post we wanted to share.
The Strip Concierge: "You're probably the wrong person to ask, but...."...: Do you ever get that guest who comes up to your desk and says, "you're probably the wrong person to ask, but where is the restroom?" First o...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

May Meeting Preview

It is official, we will be returning to Lucio Ristorante for our May membership meeting. The meeting will be held on Tuesday May 15th from 5:30pm - 7:30pm.

To view the event details please click here. Registration isn't open yet, but remember to check our Facebook and Twitter pages often for early registration. 

We look forward to seeing you in attendance!

Mob Museum Concierge Event

Today and tomorrow, April 25th and 26th, The Mob Museum is having a concierge event which includes complimentary entry plus a guest to all of our NCA Nevada members!

I decided to go today and check it out and I enjoyed it very much! The way they have the exhibit setup is you start from the 3rd floor and work your way down to the 1st.  When you first enter the building the box office is directly in front of you; to your right is the snack bar and gift shop. To the left of you is the entrance the attraction. You board an elevator and take it to the 3rd floor where the exhibit begins.

There are a lot of pictures, videos, artifacts and written material to cover so please allow yourself at least a couple of hours if not more to get the full experience. Along with the visual there is also interactive displays like a trivia poker style game and a shooting simulator.

When ex mayor Oscar Goodman pushed for this museum it wasn't without a lot of conflict. I think, however, this attraction was done tastefully and doesn't glorify the mob at all but rather gives us a lesson in history far better than any book could achieve.

Some parts of this attraction may be a little graphic, but with proper parental guidance your little ones should be fine.

Make sure to check this museum out either today or tomorrow to take advantage of this amazing offer. If you can't make it either day, admission is only $10 for locals.

To see more pictures, click here.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Board Meeting April 20, 2012

NCA Nevada Chapter Board of Directors 2012
 Back Row from left to right: Jason Baker, President; Sally Oyer, Dir. of Finance; Debbie Kaye, Parliamentarian; Matt Pender, Vice President. Front row left to right: Ruby Osburn, Dir. of Membership; Gita Saval, Dir. of Marketing; Phillip Samaniego, Dir. of Administration

We had a great board of directors meeting! Last member meeting Rebecca Mayhew announced she was transitioning from an affiliate with Open Top Sightseeing Tours to a concierge with EBG. We will be naming the new Affiliate Liaison at our next meeting which will be May 15, 2012 at Lucio's. Don't worry, Rebecca will still be with us as a concierge member.

We have some great venues lined up and always sharing ideas about future venues. We are also working on getting a very special guest speaker for our June meeting which will be host to our Chapter Awards Ceremony with our special guest, NCA CEO and Founder, Sara ann Kasner. More details will be revealed as soon as we get them.

The entire board is working hard to make this the best year for the NCA Nevada Chapter and would love your feedback.

We hope to see everyone at our next meeting!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

April Meeting Recap


Full meeting minutes click here.

 Jason Baker welcomed everyone to Del Frisco's and introduced Jacque Viloria who talked about how long they have been around and thanked the concierge for recommendations.

Del Frisco's GM Jacque Viloria
Dir. of Philanthropy and Education were announced. Funds being raised for the. NCA National Conference Aug 12-14 to assist needy families in Orlando. Endorsed Partner and Certified Concierge classes to begin on April 19th at 5pm at the EBG Office.
Director of Education Michael Tuesca

Director of Philanthropy Sarah Bichsel
Ruby updated us on the current number of members in the NCA Nevada Chapter.
Ruby pinned new members

New member Nicholas Reis,, along with the Board

Social Media

Phillip discussed current follower numbers and asked for more participation from members

Ann Parsons of Vegas Weddings and Grant Blakeman of Detours were our affiliate spotlight speakers. Rebecca announce she is no longer with Open Top Sightseeing and is now a concierge with EBG.

Rebecca Mayhew Former Affiliate Liaison

Gita announced announce she is working on securing next months meeting, but doesn't want to reveal it till it is final. Jason asked if anyone is interested in hosting a future meeting to get in contact with a member of the board.
Wants and needs
T.C. Carrigan of Blue Man Group announced she is the new Partner Services Supervisor with Blue Man.


Welcome to the official NCA Nevada blog! In this blog we will be talking about all things NCA such as meeting recaps, new members, affiliate spotlight speakers, educational speakers and our philanthropy efforts.

Make sure to tell all your friends about us!