

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May Meeting: A Success

We had a wonderful time at Lucio Ristorante for our May membership meeting. We enjoyed wine and appetizers while mingling with the crowd. 

Tina and Patrick from Paris and Ballys
Our gracious host, Lucio, spoke about his experience in the restaurant industry in Las Vegas and offered our members 50% off their next visit if they show their business card. 

We pinned two new members: Zurii Mershant of The Martin Luxury Condos and Chris Waters of EBG.

Zurii Mershant

Chris Waters, Rebecca Mayhew and Oscar Camacho
We welcomed our new affiliate liaison Ann Parsons of Vegas Weddings. She share her excitement of being on the board and assured that she indeed will be an advocate for our affiliate members.

Rebecca passes the torch to Ann Parsons
Our affiliate spotlight was Exotics Racing. Joshua Martin and Karim Hussain painted a great picture of how it feels to experience Exotics Racing.

Sarah Bichsel, our director of philanthropy, discussed the charities we will be working with closely this year and asked that members bring toiletries and other important items to our next meeting to collect for habitat for humanity.

Sarah Bichsel poses with our piggy bank
We also listened to our director of education, Michael Tuesca, as he explained plans to have a nightclub panel to answer all of our questions when it comes to nightlife options in Vegas.

Michael Tuesca educates the crowd

Our director of administration, Phillip Samaniego, announced a contest to win an exclusive prize at our next meeting. The first 10 members to complete early registration will win. The way to find out when early registration is open is by following us on Facebook and Twitter.

We learned that one of our affiliate members, Alyssa Karel of Margaritaville, will be leaving us this month. She will be missed, but we wish her the best on her new adventure.

We had a great turnout and with several guests who we hope to welcome as members at our next meeting in June being graciously hosted by Papillon Grand Helicopters on June 12th. Please don't miss this meeting. We will be visited by NCA CEO and Founder Sara-ann Kasner.

We hope to see you in attendance.

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