

Monday, April 23, 2012

Board Meeting April 20, 2012

NCA Nevada Chapter Board of Directors 2012
 Back Row from left to right: Jason Baker, President; Sally Oyer, Dir. of Finance; Debbie Kaye, Parliamentarian; Matt Pender, Vice President. Front row left to right: Ruby Osburn, Dir. of Membership; Gita Saval, Dir. of Marketing; Phillip Samaniego, Dir. of Administration

We had a great board of directors meeting! Last member meeting Rebecca Mayhew announced she was transitioning from an affiliate with Open Top Sightseeing Tours to a concierge with EBG. We will be naming the new Affiliate Liaison at our next meeting which will be May 15, 2012 at Lucio's. Don't worry, Rebecca will still be with us as a concierge member.

We have some great venues lined up and always sharing ideas about future venues. We are also working on getting a very special guest speaker for our June meeting which will be host to our Chapter Awards Ceremony with our special guest, NCA CEO and Founder, Sara ann Kasner. More details will be revealed as soon as we get them.

The entire board is working hard to make this the best year for the NCA Nevada Chapter and would love your feedback.

We hope to see everyone at our next meeting!

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